Monday 24 October 2016

Berry New South Wales and How to measure S Parameters

24th October 2016

Berry, New South Wales. Lovely little town surrounded by beautiful countryside.

Great Southern Hotel in Berry

Traditional House in Berry

The Old Post Office

All Roads Lead to Berry

Drawing Room Rocks

View from Drawing Room Rocks

Measuring S Parameters

  • S11 and S21
  • Measure magnitude and phase of incident, reflected and transmitted voltage signals
  • Output is terminated in a perfect matched impedance Zo
  • (Load that equals the characteristic impedance of the test system)
  • Matched load impedance ensures no reflection
  • S11 is equivalent to the input complex reflection coefficient or impedance of the DUT 
  • S21 is the forward complex transmission coefficient. 
  • Can measure S22 and S12 by placing source at port 2 and terminating port 1 in a perfect load 
  • For packaging applications we are usually only interested with magnitudes, not phase, and can assume linear behaviour
Key Components 

  • Source for stimulus
  • Signal-separation devices
  • Receivers that down convert and detect the signals
  • Processor/display for calculating and reviewing the results

Output from Network Analyser

Need Test Fixtures

  • Making quality RF measurements on devices with standard coaxial connectors is relatively easy. 
  • Accurate measurements can be made using commercial calibration kits and standard error-correction routines found in most network analyzers 
  • Devices without connectors are tough 
  • Test fixture is needed to provide RF compatible electrical connection between the device and test equipment 
  • In-fixture calibration standards are often required to achieve acceptable accuracy 
  • Also mechanical constraints

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