Monday, 17 October 2016

Penang to Singapore to Sydney to Berry NSW and S Parameters for RF Packaging

18th October 2016

From Penang to Singapore to Sydney to Berry, New South Wales. A busy couple of weeks which is why the blog got delayed. 

Buddy Bears in Penang, USA, UK and UAE

Moldova has a sense of humour



Coming in to land in Sydney

Iconic Opera House

Iconic Bridge

Bigfoot to go up Coolangatta "Mountain" near Berry NSW

Shoalhaven River from Coolangatta Mountain

Ever wondered what those mysterious S Parameters are? 
Why do they keep on showing up in RF Packaging?

The “S” stands for “scattering”
Probably the most widely used measurements for RF packaging
Can be used to characterise the RF performance of a “black box” without knowing what is inside it
Why use S-parameters? 
Relatively easy to measure at high frequencies
Can measure voltage traveling waves with a vector network analyzer
Relate to familiar measurements (gain, loss, reflection coefficient etc) 
Most importantly  for RF package design and simulation S-parameters are easily imported and used for circuit simulations in electronic-design automation
S-parameters are the shared language between simulation and measurement
The Scattering (S)  Matrix
  • Mathematical construct that quantifies how RF energy propagates through a multi-port network 
  • Enables a complex network to be described as a simple "black box“ 
  • For RF signal incident on one port, some fraction is reflected back out of the same port, some of it goes into that port and exits from one or more other ports 
  • It may be amplified or attenuated 
  • If the network has N ports the S-matrix will have N2 coefficients (S-parameters) 
  • Each S parameter represents one possible input-output path.
S Parameters for two port network
  • Note that S21 = b2/a1 is a measure of the output at port 2 as a function of input at port 1
  • Only inject one signal at a time
  • To measure S11, inject a signal at port 1 and measure its reflected signal
  • To measure S21, inject a signal at port 1, and measure the output from port 2

  • a and b  values be considered as complex  voltages representing both amplitude and phase
  • Usually we are only interested in amplitude
  • S-parameter amplitudes presented in one of two ways, linear magnitude or logarithmic based decibels (dB)
  • Formula for decibels in this case is:
  •  Sij(dB)=20 * log[Sij(magnitude)
S Parameters Matrix Representation

S Parameters are not the only way of representing networks but they are almost universally use in packaging applications
S Parameters:  Learn More

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